As Christians who believe that God is the owner of all we have, estate planning is an essential part of stewardship.
Not only do we want to be faithful stewards of what He has given us while we are living, we also want to leave a Godly Legacy for Generations To Come.
The First Baptist Church Endowment helps you make that possible. 

What is the FBC Endowment Fund? 

This non-profit, tax-exempt fund was established by the Board of Deacons in 2001. This fund allows you to give an everlasting gift. Your gift WILL NEVER BE SPENT, instead it is invested wisely so that the interest and growth from your gift will be available for God’s work at First Baptist Church as a Legacy for Generations To Come. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be, also.” Matthew 6:19-20

Are gifts to the FBC Endowment tax deductible? 

Absolutely, and your estate planner or your attorney can offer advice on how your contribution can be used to lower your taxes, and in some instances, provide continued income for you and your family while you are living.

How will my contribution to the FBC Endowment Fund be used? 

Your contribution will be separate from those given to the normal church budget or building campaigns. The obligations of the normal church budget are to be met by the First Baptist Church membership through normal tithes and offerings. Grants that are made from the investment growth and interest of the Endowment Fund are used to further the Glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ by assisting in the Christian ministry of First Baptist Church. Because only the investment growth and interest can be used for grant purposes, your gift is creating a Legacy for Generations To Come.

Those grants may include:

• Improvements to our FBC campus and facilities
• Scholarships for Missions Trips
• Evangelism and Outreach
• ENGAGE Projects for the local community
• Disaster relief
• Other special needs

In short, the Endowment Fund can further the ministry of First Baptist Church through funding of any project which is in keeping with the Fund’s Bylaws.

Who designates the amount and recipients of the FBC Endowment Grants? 

The First Baptist Church Endowment Fund Charter and Bylaws establishes a 5-member Board of Directors consisting of First Baptist Church members, who are elected to their positions for 3-year terms.

How would my contribution to the FBC Endowment Fund be invested?

Funds are invested with the Southern Baptist Foundation Investment group. Those investments are carefully managed and are audited yearly.